Artist Round Up: Zine Making Party | Creative Acadiana
Artist Round Up is an opportunity for creatives of all disciplines to come together in a space to meet like-minded creatives who they could collaborate with, talk to, find inspiration from and just generally hang out with.
For our February meet up, bust out your best collaging materials and collaborate with other artists on the second Artist Round Up zine.
Use this zine practice as a creative outlet or as a way to communicate your artistic style. You’ll walk away with several copies of this collaborative publication on the night to share with your friends or to drop off around town!
We will have some supplies but we encourage you to BYO crafting materials – old magazines, artwork, markers, pencils, paints, stickers, etc.
This is a free event hosted by AcA’s Creative Acadiana workshop series. Learn more about Creative Acadiana here: https://acadianacenterforthearts.org/opportunities-for-artists/creative-acadiana/