Attwood & Reihl: Metal | Glass | Fiber
My work is a reflection of both a lifelong interest in the clean lines of modern design and the lush Louisiana landscape. I work in enamels and traditional metal techniques, integrating found objects in to my designs.
Creating and uncovering unlikely relationships between the work of my own hands and mass produced objects provides me with an endless supply of playful challenges. Through use, these machine made items develop distinctive personalities that demand consideration as they are worked in to my pieces. The things I make are intended to grow comfortable in their new homes, acquiring new layers of personality through use.
I love color and pattern and texture!
I especially love to combine and integrate that which no one else thinks to.
Odd pairings or groupings of media and color are what peak my interest…it’s sort of rule breaking but I often discover something new this way.
I have been working with glass and fabrics and beads my whole “walking around” life. My mother is and has always been a creative force in my life encouraging the play that brings ideas forth.
I often describe much of my art as collage even though it isn’t what is generally thought of as collage. Primarily I like to design and assemble with different techniques and media. I want to combine, merge, and fuse all that I create into one.
I guess I am best described as a glass bead maker who loves to draw and paint, stitch and sew, rivet and hammer, and model and carve. And as an Art Educator for 25 years, I think it’s my multipotentialist mindset that keeps me ever interested in learning even more!