Silent Seats
Thank You To Our Sponsor:

Since its inception, we have identified Silent Seats Partners – individuals, organizations, foundations, and corporations – to sponsor this program. Through the generosity of Silent Seats partners, approximately 150 tickets are distributed to specific recipients each presenting season.
Contact for more info
If your organization would like to express an interest in the Silent Seats program, please fill out our survey below.
Silent Seats Survey
The Acadiana Center for the Arts’ mission is to foster arts and culture in Acadiana’s 8-parish region. Due to a generous donation from the Kiwanis Club, the AcA is able to provide some underserved communities and educational programs access to live performances at the Acadiana Center for the Arts. We work closely with social service organizations throughout Acadiana to offer seats – all at no cost – to those who may otherwise have limited resources to attending performances in dance, music, theatre, and more.
The AcA mostly manages the distribution of tickets through social service programs and school administrators.
We are interested in getting to know more about your organization to expand our reach of services and future programming within the community.
As current programming is announced and tickets become available, AcA staff may contact you and attempt to match available “silent seats” with your organization based on the information you provide.
The Acadiana Center for the Arts strives to provide equal opportunities to all members of our community without regard to race, religion, color, age, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic disposition, neurodiversity, disability, veteran status or any other protected category under federal, state and local law.