Kelli Foret Richard: Drawn to Grow
Drawn to Grow, is a project rooted in Food Sovereignty, Decentralization and Regenerative Agriculture Practices aiming at engaging the public with a call to action.
Some scientists believe, if we do not change our conventional agricultural ways, our planet has about 57 harvest years left until we reach full desertification, which is the process by which land becomes desert as a result of deforestation or inappropriate agriculture.
These 57 drawings intends to offer a prayer and a mediation asking for the healing of our planet as well as a small nugget of awareness about these important topics. This project is a way for me to have a voice in the world and do important work.
As Henry David Thoreau points out, “We have not inherited the earth from our parents, we have borrowed it from our children.”
- Curator: Jaik Faulk