Mostapha Romli, Moroccan Artist
Born in 1968 in Touissit, Morocco, Mostapha Romli started his artistic career as a photographer. Since 2010, Mostapha’s research on the photographic process led him to integrate serigraphy and painting in his art. As a versatile visual artist, Mostapha Romli is developing an increasingly committed body of work that confronts the viewer with violence, particularly that which is done to women’s bodies in the Arab-Muslim world. Mostapha Romli is Director of the Residence for Artists Ifitry and Founding President of the International Biennale of Casablanca.
In his “WAX” series, Mostapha Romli takes up the idea of the media and cultural recovery of a fabric considered as the emblem of an entire continent.
This fabric created by a colonial industrial textile manufacture was actually inspired by the ancestral technique of Javanese batik. True symbol and false identity or true identity and false symbol? Mostapha Romli questions here the relationship between perception, mental images and identity.
AcA expresses its gratitude to La Fondation Louisiane and Nunu’s for their assistance with Mostapha Romli’s first visit to Louisiana, as well as to the John Nickerson House and Mason Stephanie for their complimentary accommodations.
- Curator: Jaik Faulk