Member Spotlight – Adrian King

February 22, 2024

Adrian King

Profession: Regional Vice President of Marketing

Are you on the AcA Board and/or a Committee? Yes. I am currently on the Board of Directors and serve as Chair of the Community Development Committee. I also serve on the Finance Committee, Visual Arts Committee and the Sunny Side Brunch Committee.

What books are you reading? I am currently reading multiple science fiction and fantasy series. I typically jump between series as new books are released.

What music are you listening to? I am all over the board with this. My favorites list has everything from Dougie Fresh’s “The Show” to Birdy’s “Shelter” and everything in between.

Do you have a favorite pastime? I actually love to golf and really enjoy physical fitness.

What trade do you believe everyone ought to learn? Everyone should be familiar with woodworking. I think that it can really come in handy in a crunch.

What’s the first concert you ever attended? LL Cool J and Public Enemy

Have you lived outside of Acadiana?  Where?  What makes Acadiana a special place to live? I have. My wife and I lived in Birmingham, Alabama right out of college. Living in Acadiana is special mostly due to its people.

Are you an artist? I was an artist early in life but more appreciative of it now versus active participation.

What mediums are you most drawn to? Pen and ink

Why did you join AcA, and do you recall your first experience with AcA? I joined after attending a concert a couple of years ago featuring a blind pianist from New York named Matthew Whitaker. I was so taken by the experience and the ambiance of the ACA theater that I decided to join to help support other artists.

What has been your favorite performance or event hosted by AcA? I really enjoyed participating for the first time in Gulf Brew.

What’s your favorite part of being a member of AcA? I get to interact with a lot of people with a love for the Arts.

What do you do in a nutshell? I work with multiple casinos to plan and implement marketing campaigns, events, promotions and entertainment.

What are your favorite aspects of your job and company?  I love the variety of things that we work on and the technology provided to us to do our jobs well. Boyd Gaming has a long history of taking care of its team members and have some that have been with the company for 50 years.

If you could mentor someone who is just starting out in your field, what advice would you give them? I would tell them to join LinkedIn, really get to know the players in whatever industry that you work in and to never burn bridges when changing jobs because a lot of industries my seem expansive, but in reality is can be quite small when looking for a new job.


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