Sonja Solomon
Profession: Proud Westside Elementary 1st grade teacher. Gooooo Wildcats!
How long have you been a member of AcA? Since 2017.
What books are you reading? “A Rat Is a Pig Is a Dog Is a Boy: The Human Cost of the Animal Rights Movement.” Interesting title, then as you read there’s that “Ohhh!” moment when the title makes sense.
What has been your favorite vacation or place that you’ve traveled to? Why? I drove across the country with my dear friend Gwen Hitt three years ago. Just the two of us running around the canyons and deserts in my Sweet Lil’ Bebe Kia Soul GT. Then the next summer, I hit the road by myself camping with a tent that attaches to the back end of my car. There’s also snorkeling in Key West with my sister-in-law Shauna Kuhns when I came across a nurse shark. Some of the best things I’ve ever done. This world is too big and beautiful for me not to get out and explore.
Do you frequent any Downtown establishments? My goodness, do I love visiting Lagniappe Records on Jefferson! It’s a perfectly inviting vinyl-records-and-more place to discover something new or find an old favorite. Tess and Patrick are the friendliest people you’ll ever meet. They have a way of sharing their love for music that is genuine and welcoming. This place is a true Acadiana gem.
What do you do in a nutshell? I guide, nurture, and help young ones grow into doers and thinkers.
What are your favorite aspects of your job and company? I am surrounded by amazing people who are full of laughter, support, and encouragement.
Why did you join AcA, and do you recall your first experience with AcA? I wanted to join AcA because I believed in AcA’s purpose and vision. I joined AcA because I could. AcA makes it affordable for a teacher to be a member through the Friends of the Arts membership level.