ArtSpark Application

ArtSpark Application 2025

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Career Stage

Artist/Applicant Information

Qualifying Questions

Must be 18 years old by May 1, 2025

Artistic Merit

Project Location/s

Please reference the ArtSpark 2025 Guidelines, page 3 “THIS PROGRAM WILL FUND” and “THIS PROGRAM WILL NOT FUND” before beginning. 

In the below table, the column:
‘ArtSpark 2025’ is for the amount you are requesting from this program for your project. 
‘Applicant Cash’ (optional) is an additional investment from the applicant or other sources (different from In-Kind Support). 

*Please input your amount in the following format 1000.00.
Provider of Service - Artistic
Artistic services by firms or people not considered employees of the applicant. This is referring to individual artists, folklorists, curators, etc. whose services are contracted for the project. Bios and/or CV or Resume to be uploaded to supplemental materials. Include artist/applicant fee here.



Provider of Service - Other
Non-artistic services by firms or people not considered employees of the applicant (project director, consultants, technical director, publisher, etc.). Bios and/or CV or Resume to be uploaded to supplemental materials. 



Space Rental
The cost to rent a facility, exhibit or performance venue. Cannot be rental of any property owned by any individuals for purposes such as a home office workspace is unallowable.



The cost of travel for providers of service, and their per diems and lodging within Acadiana. This stipend can not be used to pay travel costs for the applicant/artist.



Costs associated with advertising, soliciting, or promoting the project. 



Equipment Rental
Costs associated with renting equipment for the purpose of producing the project.



Supplies and Materials
Cost of items that are needed to produce or create the project, such as fabric, paints, paper, etc



Cost for mailing and shipping related to the project. 



Expenses not listed under any other expense category (however, most items should be represented above).







Complete this section if row #1-2 above in the ArtSpark Expenses column are filled in for payment to individuals or businesses who provide professional services contributing to the support or creation of the project. For example, an artist, plumber, electrician, supplier, hardware store etc or other individuals directly involved with the implementation and production of the proposed project. 



In-kind refers to donated personnel and volunteer time, materials, and services associated with the project.
  • Source is an organization contributing materials, facilities, services, etc. for the project or an individual contributing volunteer time. 
  • Contribution is the item being donated, such as a facility space or for individuals, the number of hours.
  • Cash Equivalent is the amount the applicant would pay in cash for items, services or time listed. 
For example: The ABC Printing company is donating the materials for flyers that will be used in a mailing and street banners.
Source: ABC Printing, Inc | Contribution: Marketing/Flyers and Street Banners | Cash Equivalent: $175.00. 

Artistic Excellence

WORK SAMPLES are crucial for evaluating the quality of production projects. The work samples you submit should demonstrate the artistic excellence and artistic merit of your project. You can either submit your Culturalyst profile link or see guidelines for required uploads. Samples should be recent, of high quality, and as relevant to the project as possible. If your file is over 50 mb in size, such as high quality video, please add a file link to the Work Sample description. To set up a Culturalyst profile, head to  

Opportunity Machine
Opportunity Machine is a start-up business incubator and a lot of the education, guidance, and resource connections are extremely beneficial to anyone pursuing an entrepreneurial path. OM is committed to help you develop a professional career as an artist.

Demographics (Optional)
We are committed to equity and inclusion and view data as an essential tool to be accountable to this commitment. This information is being collected for tracking and reporting purposes and does not affect eligibility or selection. 




Thank you to our program funders: