‘Play It Again’ Summer Instrument Drive

Acadiana Center for the Arts Recycles Instruments for Local Public School Music Programs with ‘Play It Again’ Summer Instrument Drive



LAFAYETTE, LA – June 20, 2023 – Do you have an instrument in your home collecting dust, or not being used? Please consider Acadiana Center for the Art’s ‘Play It Again’ Instrument Recycling Program. This summer AcA is collecting and repairing instruments through the ‘Play It Again’ program.

With generous support from Lafayette Music Company, AcA is able to collect old instruments that are no longer being used and repair them so they can be given to schools for children who may not have the financial means to buy an instrument of their own. More than 900 refurbished instruments are currently in circulation in Acadiana through this program. The revival of donated instruments gives the gift of music to students that would otherwise be denied the opportunity to participate in music education.


AcA is currently seeking various instruments ranging from flutes and violins, to trumpets and guitars. If you have an instrument that is not being used and is in relatively decent condition, ‘Play It Again’ drop off locations will be able to receive instruments for those interested in participating.

Instrument donations can be made to Lafayette Music Company and Acadiana Center for the Arts. All donations are tax deductible and donors will receive written documentation of their gift.

This program gives the opportunity for every child to learn and have music experience. For questions about ‘Play It Again,’ please contact Paige Thomas, AcA Education Manager, by emailing Paige@AcadianaCenterfortheArts.org.

Lafayette Music Company
3700 Johnston St., Lafayette, LA 70503

Acadiana Center for the Arts
101 W. Vermillion, Lafayette, LA 70503

June 20, 2023

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