How to Pitch Yourself to Media with Jordan LaHaye Fontenot
Creatives who are interested in spreading the word about their work and/or events through the media will learn:
(1) the importance of “”passive”” online presence
(2) how to hone in your brand/story
(3) the most effective ways to pitch yourself to media
This is for local artists, filmmakers, events organizers, etc. who want to gain practical knowledge about the editorial process of local media, and how they can use it to their advantage.
Participants are invited to send a “pitch” email ahead of time to be critiqued.
This is an asynchronous and hybrid session. We’d love to see you in-person at this workshop but if you can’t join us IRL please join us via zoom (details will be provided upon registration). This session will also be recorded for those who are unable to attend at the scheduled time and a link to the recording will be sent to all registered participants.
Jordan LaHaye Fontenot is a writer and editor based in Lafayette, Louisiana. A graduate of Louisiana State University and the recipient of the 2018 Sarah Sue Goldsmith Award for Nonfiction, her work has appeared in regional and international publications including inRegister, Atlas Obscura, and the Oxford American. She was a Writer-in-Residence at NUNU Arts and Culture Collective in Arnaudville in 2022 and 2023, and a panelist at the annual Society of Professional Journalists Conference in 2021, where she shared her expertise on pitching stories with journalists from a variety of disciplines and backgrounds. Her work has been published most extensively in the Louisiana culture magazine Country Roads, where she currently serves as Managing Editor and regularly interacts and collaborates with Louisiana and Mississippi creatives to tell stories about the culture of our region. Her nonfiction book HOME OF THE HAPPY: A MURDER ON THE CAJUN PRAIRIE will be published by Mariner Books in 2024.
Creative Acadiana is a comprehensive career development program for artists and creative entrepreneurs in Acadiana, including grant funding, workforce development courses, and professional networking opportunities to build a thriving creative sector in Acadiana.
Don’t let cost of these workshops be a barrier. Contact community@acadianacenterforthearts.org to discuss your needs.