Home Your Most Creative (and Profitable) Year Yet!
Aileen Bennett


Acadiana Center for the Arts - ArtHouse
101 West Vermilion Street Lafayette, Louisiana 70501


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Wed, January 10, 2024


5:30 pm



Your Most Creative (and Profitable) Year Yet!

A guide to having your best*, most creative*, crazy*, fun*, life-changing* year ahead (*insert your own description here – it’s your year).

Aileen Bennett, author of A Little Book About Fire, will take you through a series of exercises that help you work out where you are, where you want to go, and how to get there.

We’ll talk about both day-dreaming and practicalities and how they can work together to get you what you want.

Aileen has a way of humanizing business best practices with a little magic and a dollop of common sense to produce plans for your bravest self to act upon.

Come armed with an open mind, notebook and pen, and a little voice in your head urging you to create. AcA is committed to making our programming as accessible as possible.

This Creative Acadiana session will be in-person, streamed and recorded. If you require your accessibility needs addressed, please contact community@acadianacenterforthearts.org to discuss.

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