Let Culture Lead

Let Culture Lead is an initiative that seeks to advance the cause of arts and culture in Acadiana by placing the arts at the center of community development efforts. The initiative recognizes that the arts are an essential part of the region’s identity and heritage and that investing in the arts can help to promote economic growth, community development, and cultural preservation.
The idea behind Let Culture Lead is that our rich cultural heritage and vibrant arts have already paved the way for our region’s growth. We just need to dedicate ourselves to supporting and stewarding that work in order to see our region truly thrive.
This initiative represents a commitment to advancing the cause of arts and culture in Acadiana by recognizing the essential role that the arts play in the community. By placing the arts at the center of community development efforts, the initiative seeks to promote economic growth and cultural preservation while creating a more inclusive and vibrant place for future generations.
Acadiana is a culturally rich region located in South Louisiana that is known for its vibrant music, dance, and visual arts scenes. The arts are an essential part of Acadiana’s cultural heritage. Acadiana’s music, dance, and visual arts traditions are unique and valuable, reflecting the region’s history and identity.
The arts are critical for education and personal development. There is a substantial body of knowledge developed over the past 40 years that suggests that integrating the arts into learning creates many positive impacts on overall achievement [1]. Students with high levels of arts involvement are less likely to drop out of school [2]. Arts education’s implementation in Early Childhood improves vocabulary, communication, and memory in young children [3]. High levels of arts involvement among disadvantaged students is related to finding a better job, earning a degree, and likelihood of the student going on to volunteer, demonstrating not just increased achievement but also growth of attributes like empathy [4].
The arts provide numerous economic benefits to the region. Our region’s vibrant arts scene draws people from around the world to experience the rich culture of Acadiana, resulting in increased tourism and economic growth. Supporting the arts in Acadiana means investing in the local economy and helping to create jobs and opportunities for artists and creative professionals.
By investing in the arts, we can help to create a stronger, more vibrant Acadiana for all.
[1] Fiske, Edward B., Ed. (1999). Champions of Change: The Impact of the Arts on Learning.
[2] Catterall, James & Dumais, Susan & Hampden-Thompson, Gillian. (2012). The Arts and Achievement in At-Risk Youth: Findings from Four Longitudinal Studies.
[3] Asbury, Carolyn & Rich, Barbara. (2008). Learning, Arts, and the Brain: The Dana Consortium Report on Arts and Cognition.
[4] Catterall, James. (2009). Doing Well and Doing Good by Doing Art: A 12-Year National Study of Education in the Visual and Performing Arts and the Effects on the Achievements and Values Of Young Adults.
If you’re interested in learning more about how you can contribute to the Let Culture Lead initiative, please fill out the form and we’ll contact you
It takes a flock.
Let Culture Lead is an initiative that benefits from AcA’s long-standing strategic partners, without which this work would not be possible.

Café, Galleries, & Box Office:
Tuesday – Saturday | 9am – 5pm
Box Office also opens one hour prior
to scheduled performance time
Administrative Offices:
Monday – Friday | 9am – 5pm
504 Accessibility Coordinators:
Facilities: Kayla@AcadianaCenterfortheArts.org
Programming: Anna@AcadianaCenterfortheArts.org
Upcoming Closures:
- Monday, January 20th – Building & offices closed
- Monday, March 3rd through Tuesday, March 4th – Building & offices closed
- Friday, April 18th – Building & offices closed
- Monday, May 16th – Building & offices closed