Home Breathe & Move – Movement in the Classroom


Acadiana Center for the Arts - ArtHouse
101 West Vermilion Street Lafayette, Louisiana 70501


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Tue, February 7, 2023


4:30 pm - 6:30 pm

Breathe & Move – Movement in the Classroom

Professional Development Workshop for teachers of grades preK–5 • Presented by Kelsey Billiot, PACE Teaching Artist

Using movement in the classroom teaches students physical regulation and emotional expression while nurturing kinesthetic learners. In this workshop,  participants will learn to add simple movement to existing routines and to integrate movement into the day and into class curriculum in new ways, with the recurring theme of wellness. Social and Emotional Learning incorporates self- and social-awareness, relationship skills and responsible decision-making. Blending creativity, self care, and curriculum lends itself to a deeper comprehension for learners.

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